Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

cahaya cinta

thank you from my deepest soul, to you who have willingly taken the essence of luminosity process”

Love is the Dazzling Luminosity
Luminosity that is filled with Love
Luminosity that is empty of Love
Luminosity that dissolves in Love
Luminosity that flies towards Love
Luminosity that is beyond Love
Luminosity that is nourished with love
Since luminosity is the Essence of Love
Luminosity towards God
Luminosity the Utmost of Luminosity
Love the Utmost of Love

Cinta adalah Cahaya Keindahan
Cahaya penuh Cinta
Cahaya tanpa Cinta
Cahaya yang lebur dalam Cinta
Cahaya menuju Cinta

Cahaya yang melampaui Cinta
Cahaya yang ditumbuhi cnta

Karena Cahaya adalah Hakikat Cinta
Cahaya menuju Tuhan
Cahaya Maha Cahaya
Cinta Maha Cinta

“terima kasihku yang tulus - from my deepest soul - padamu yang berproses mendapatkan hakikat cahaya”

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